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 Purpose of Marriage In Islam

The purpose of marriage in Islam

A Muslim marriage has the main purpose of generating a family where you can abode with your spouse in tranquility. The word tranquility can be looked at widely and the term includes physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual issues.

Marriage in Islam is also looked at as a form of worship as it is obeying god and his messenger. Marriage is the only way that sexes can unite under god, anyone who chooses to disobey these rules will live in sin and anyone chooses marriage is displaying there obedience to god.

There is a word in the Quran “Zawj” which means pair or mate. The word is generally used to refer to marriage and the general purpose of marriage is to provide love and companionship between a man and a woman, to reproduce and live in peace and tranquility within the commandments of god.

Every Muslim should look at marriage seriously as it is a lifetime commitment and should not be taken lightly. Marriage is a “Mithaq”- solmn covenant or agreement and should be entered with full knowledge of what it involves. The marriage partner you choose should be chosen with the intention of them being your life partner and it is important that both parties are mature enough to understand the demands marriage before committing to ensure that the union is that of a lasting one.

For the validation of a marriage the following conditions have to be attained:

  • Consent of both parties
  • “Mahr” – a gift from the groom to the bride
  • Witnesses
  • The marriage must be publicized (secrecy can lead to suspicion and troubles within the community may arise.)
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